Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Wanted: A happy marriage between my apron and my red high heels

Part of me secretly wishes I was Amish. Well, more like an Amish Rachel Zoe but Amish nonetheless. I have an admiration of the homemade that is as deep as my admiration of the vintage. I'd love to have my own chickens (well really also a lama, but that's just a little nutty), a garden, and kick ass quilting skills. I'd happily spend my day getting dirty outside just as much as I would shopping for shoes. I'd spend just as much time baking up love straight out of the oven as I would shopping a good sale! Anyone else with me?? Anyone else love spending the day canning as much as you do the day shopping? Pining over couture just as much as that Cuisinart Food Processor?This blog is my beacon of light searching for y'all!

I have no actual culinary training or experience. But I do have a zest for knowledge and adventure. So one mistake or success at a time that's all about to change. Here's to me. Here's to you witnessing me mash through what it means to be a domestic goddess.